若花生 | 一个/家人

Dying in the sun

Dying in the sun

半年不见的好朋友阿庶,昨天短信过来问我最近喜欢听哪些曲子,我说随便听听,只是歌词在感人,曲子要和缓,摇滚类慢慢开始淡去,觉得有些嘈杂,但民谣依然是 如痴如迷,深情陶醉。于是他送来一首歌–《No one is there》,其为Sopor Aeternus的作品,带有明显的忧郁性与回忆性,听其音乐有两种方式:抗百忧解与治愈总在失足处。修道之人会有某种收获,亦如闹中取静,苦中求乐,死 里逃生,会有一种超脱、超越。刚看了部分荣格的文字,联想起其“双重人格”理论与“潜意识”理论,心底得到净化,灵魂得以宁静。如歌如泣,如吟如诵,冥冥 之中,自己踏入了潜意识,另一世界的我再现。

但我不愿多听,因为,我有种感觉会把我带进自我消极,自我沉溺的处境当中,于是,提出是否有 其她曲子推荐,于是,又一首曲子过来了,就是大伙现在听到的《dying in the sun》,The Cranberries(卡百利乐队,又称为小红梅乐队)的作品,曲子舒缓,柔情似水,尽管曲子带有忧伤,但已被爱抚平,全曲充满回忆,充满怀旧,让我想 起了另外两支曲子,一曲是The beatles《Yesterday》, 另一曲是The Carpenters《Yesterday once more》,曲中充满对自然的热爱,对生命的珍惜,对和平的向往,对美好的憧憬,令我心旷神怡,精神舒畅,怡然自乐。

生命如些重要,生活如此美好!若飞一千次、一千次清晰地看到彩色的精致画面,仿佛自己就是一个美妙女孩dying in the sun。

Dying In The Sun
Singer:The Cranberries卡百利
Do you remember / The things we used to say?I feel so nervous / When I think of yesterdayHow could I let things / Get to me so bad?How did I let things get to me?Like dying in the sun / Like dying in the sunLike dying in the sun / Like dying…Like dying in the sun / Like dying in the sunLike dying in the sun / Like dying…Will you hold on to me / I am feeling frailWill you hold on to me / We will never failI wanted to be so perfect you see / I wanted to be so perfectLike dying in the sun / Like dying in the sunLike dying in the sun / Like dying…Like dying in the sun / Like dying in the sunLike dying in the sun / Like dying…