若花生 | 一个/家人

蓝色梦幻 The Blue Idol


中午时分,男女主人公出现在相约的那棵大松树下,那是他俩第一次非正式约会,其理由还是为了寻找各自的房子。女主人公李宁牌运动鞋,深蓝色Adidas运动 裤,两侧四条白丝线,浅咖啡色外套,往右斜挎着百事白蓝红三色包,两只手躲在包后的裤袋,包里两根黑丝线延伸至耳廓,她在随意的听着音乐,身体伴随着音乐 左右晃动着,像是冷静地在等着奇迹的出现。

约摸二十三分钟后,男主人公出现了,这等待的时辰与男主人公的年龄正好相仿,他著红白蓝三色跑 鞋,海盗裤,黑外套,还有刚理完一半的头发,他看起来甚为幽默,却又像是一种矛盾着的和谐存在,他来见女主人公就像是松树的呼唤,因为她看似轻松随意,难 掩尊贵典雅,而他看似绅士气度,实则孩子气十足,好一幅“青松唤童来见图”。

他俩的首次见面没有过分夸张,没有些许紧张,男主人公只说了 简单一句:嗨,走吧!便开始了小说里的演绎,他俩边走边聊,像是老朋友,像是旧相识,不用寒喧便直接谈论起上次未完的话题,这其实已经令男主人公开始迷惑 了,因为他向来不善于在喜欢的女孩子面前能保持镇定,他喜怒于色,他无遮无掩,女主人公的尊贵气质,缕缕飘浮在他身侧,以至于他的不成熟瞬间化为泡影,他 一下子长大了十岁,他习惯于仰着头看女孩子的方式也改为了正视,此刻,女主人公的发、额、眉、目、耳、鼻、颊、唇,每一部分都精准地烙入男主人公的心灵, 那是一个蓝色的世界,Blue,blue & blue。


《Daily Growing》
ALTAN - The Blue Idol
The trees they grow high / the leaves they do grow green / Many is the time my true love I’ve seen / Many an hour I have watched him all alone / He’s young but he’s daily growing / Father, dear father, you’ve done me great wrong / You have married me to a boy who is too young / I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen / He’s young but he’s daily growing / Daughter, dear daughter / I’ve done you no wrong / I have married you to a great lord’s son / He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone / He’s young but he’s daily growing / Father, dear father / if you see fit / We’ll send him to college for another year yet / I’ll tie a blue ribbon all around his head / To let the maidens know that he is married / One day I was looking over my father’s castle wall / I spied all the boys playing with a ball / And my own true love was the flower of them all / He’s young but he’s daily growing / And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day / They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play / And what they did there she never would declare / But she never more complained of his growing At the age of fourteen he was a married man / At the age of fifteen the father of my son / At the age of sixteen his grave it was green / And death had put an end to his growing / I’ll buy my love some flannel / I’ll make my love a shroud / With every stitch I put in it / the tears they will pour down / With every stitch I put in it / how the tears they will flow / Cruel fate has put an end to his growing.